We love eco-friendly alternatives, especially when they help you save money in the process! That's why we want to share the amazing benefits of fabric gift wrapping this Christmas.
Although using fabric to wrap presents has been a very popular tradition for many years in other countries, the UK is yet to cotton onto this method of gift wrap despite it being sustainable, reusable, cost-effective and looks gorgeous too! Want to know how you can gift wrap with fabric? Let's take a look...
History of fabric gift wrap
The tradition first began from Japanese furoshiki, which means Japanese bath spread, and derived from the practice of using fabric to bundle clothes. It is believed to date back to the Nara period in the 8th century, yet still today Furoshiki's are commonly used to wrap goods and gifts and almost anything.
Why we love fabric gift wrap
Fabric gift wrap can be used again and again, meaning that you don't need to worry each year about going out and finding your festive wrapping paper. Although, for your first time using fabric gift, you may want to do this on presents that you'll be giving to those you spend Christmas day with. This makes it a little easier to retrieve your wrap after presents are opened and ensure that is reused!
Unfortunately, a lot of the non-fabric gift wrap out there isn't recyclable, which means it ends up in landfill. Figures show that 27,000 miles of wrapping paper is thrown away each year! It means that switching to fabric gift wrap not only is a more sustainable method, it will reduce tonnes of waste that is produced over the Christmas period and beyond.

Data obtained by Quidco has shown that the average UK family spends £15.80 each year on wrapping paper - when you think after all those Christmasses, that really adds up! So, while the initial cost of fabric gift wrap maybe more, you'll make your money back over the years thanks to its reusability.
Just because paper can be neatly folded and stuck into a tight package doesn't mean the same beautiful display can't be mastered for fabric gift wraps! Below are a few ways you can make sure your presents look as amazing as ever with this easy wrapping method...

Traditional Bow Wrap
This traditional method is similar to the wrapping method many are already familiar with. Any type of fabric can be used, but typically, a piece approx. four times as large as the surface area of your gift will be perfect. You can try using a square scarf or tea towel.
Step 1: Place gift and fold Place the gift diagonally in the centre of a square piece of fabric, making sure that the edges of the gift are perpendicular to the edges of the fabric. Fold the bottom left corner of the fabric up and over the side of the gift.
Step 2: Pull and fold fabric While holding the bottom left corner in place, wrap the top right corner over the gift and hold in place. Crease the fabric along the right edge of the gift (the same way you would wrapping paper) and pull the edge taut as you press down on the top of the gift with your other hand.
Step 3: Tie Fabric Ends Bring the right folded edge over the top of the gift and hold. Repeat the process on the left side. Tie the ends into a classic bow to secure the fabric. If a corner of fabric doesn't stay tucked, secure with double-stick tape.

Make yours unique
Add a finishing touch to your wrapped gifts this holiday season with the addition of some beautiful pine tree branches.
Make it special by choosing ornaments that you know they'll love, and rather than settling for plain plastic gift ribbons – why not go outside and find something more natural? With just one unique element, these presents will truly stand out!