Night Lights

Our collection of super cute night lights from brands such as Moonie, babymoov and Liewood are there to help little ones feel safe and at ease when in the dark at bedtime.
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    Night Lights FAQs

    The best night lights for newborns to promote sleep produce either amber or red light as they are gentle on the eyes and provide enough illumination to move around and won't distupt your little one's natural cicardian rhythm. The Tonies Sleepy Sheep Nightlight for example, features 90 minutes of beautifully composed melodies and a warm, comforting light, as well as the ability to record and play personalised goodnight messages to promote sleep.

    Despite being left on throughout the night, night lights use very little electricity as they're designed to operate throughtout the night, generating low levels of light. Many night lights are battery operated and offer hours of power and come with timers so shut off once your little one is asleep.

    Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is crucial in aiding your baby's sleep. A soothing bath, changing into cozy clothes, reading a story, and dimming the lights all contribute to a healthy sleep pattern. From early on, it's important to differentiate day and night routines. During the day, let in natural light, engage in playful activities, and disregard everyday sounds.

    At night, consider the following:

    1. Keep the lighting low
    2. Speak softly and minimally
    3. Put down your baby after they have been fed and changed
    4. Avoid changing your baby unless necessary
    5. Refrain from playing with your baby.

    A consistent routine will create a sense of calmness and serenity, promoting peaceful rest for your little one.

    Creating a comfy and secure sleeping environment is key to helping your little one self-soothe. A consistent bedtime routine also works wonders as babies thrive on structure. By establishing an appropriate schedule, you can encourage your baby to soothe themselves. Try to think about how you can prioritise your little one's needs by using white noise to promote calm, or introducing a pacifier. If your little one is fussing, stay nearby but try to avoid picking them up too often so that they gradually begin to self-soothe.

    If you're room-sharing with your newborn, chances are you may not require a monitor as you'll be in close proximity to check on them if they stir. However, if you reside in a larger home and want to keep tabs on your baby while they sleep, or move around from room to room often, a monitor can come in handy.