ARTICLE by Sophie Peterson

Ultimate Guide: The Best Double Pushchairs for your Growing Family

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As your family expands, so do your needs. For parents of twins or siblings close in age, a double pushchair becomes an indispensable tool for managing outings with ease and comfort.

With an extensive range of options available on the market, choosing the right double pushchair can be overwhelming. But fear not, for we've compiled the ultimate guide to help you navigate through the sea of choices and find the perfect double pushchair for your growing family.

Understanding Your Needs

Before diving into the best double pushchairs, it's essential to assess your specific requirements. Consider factors such as the age of your children, your lifestyle, the terrain you'll be navigating, and your budget. Understanding your needs will narrow down your options and make the decision-making process much simpler.

Types of Double Pushchairs

There are several types of double pushchairs available, each catering to different needs and preferences.

  • Side-by-Side: These pushchairs feature seats positioned next to each other. They offer excellent visibility for both children, and often come with adjustable seating options.
  • Tandem: Tandem pushchairs have seats arranged one behind the other. They are narrower than side-by-side models, making them more manoeuvrable in crowded spaces.
  • Convertible: Some pushchairs can be converted from a single to a double configuration, offering flexibility as your family grows.

Key Features to Consider

When shopping for a double pushchair, keep an eye out for the following features.

Reclining Seats: Reclining seats in a double pram provide essential versatility and comfort for growing children. With the ability to adjust the seat angle to multiple positions - ranging from upright to fully flat - parents can easily accommodate their little ones' changing needs throughout the day. Whether it's nap time or time to sit up and explore, reclining seats offer flexibility to make sure that both children can rest or engage comfortably while on-the-go.

Adjustable Handlebar: The adjustable handlebar on a double pram is a game-changer for parents of varying heights. With the ability to customise the handlebar height to suit individual preferences, pushing the pram becomes a more comfortable and ergonomic experience for caregivers of all statures. Taller parents can raise the handlebar to prevent stooping and maintain proper posture, while shorter parents can lower it to ensure a comfortable grip and better control.

Storage Space: Storage space on a double pram is a lifesaver for on-the-go parents - it’s definitely something to make sure your new pram has. Equipped with ample baskets, pockets and compartments, double prams offer convenient storage solutions for all your essentials. From nappies and wipes to snacks, toys and personal belongings, there's plenty of room to stow everything you need for a day out with your little ones. This generous storage capacity eliminates the need for extra bags or backpacks, streamlining your outing and keeping your hands free. 

Manoeuvrability: Manoeuvrability is paramount when it comes to double prams, as it directly impacts the ease and enjoyment of outings for parents and children alike. A double pram with excellent manoeuvrability effortlessly glides through various terrains and navigates tight spaces with precision, making every stroll a smooth and stress-free experience. Whether you're manoeuvring through crowded city streets, navigating narrow aisles in stores or exploring uneven terrain in parks, responsive wheels and a well-designed suspension system ensure stability and control.

Folding Mechanism: The folding mechanism of a double pram is a key feature that significantly enhances convenience and practicality for parents. A well-designed folding mechanism allows the pram to collapse quickly and easily with minimal effort, making it simple to store, transport and manoeuvre in tight spaces. Whether you're loading the pram into the boot of a car, navigating public transportation or storing it in a cupboard at home, a smooth folding mechanism streamlines the process and saves valuable time and effort - which is a must-have as a parent!

Top Tandem Double Pushchairs

Tandem double pushchairs, with one seat in front of the other, are a great choice for siblings of different ages. They tend to be easier to manoeuvre through narrow spaces than side-by-side models. If you already have one child and are expecting another, a convertible single-to-double pushchair could be the perfect solution. Models like the CYBEX Gazelle S twin pushchair, Silver Cross Wave double pushchair and the UPPAbaby VISTA V2 are reliable and comfortable options for your growing family.

Cybex Gazelle S Twin

The CYBEX Gazelle S Twin Pushchair is the perfect stroller for little ones - especially two. Despite its size, the Gazelle S folds up compact, fitting handily into almost any car boot. This pushchair allows you to choose from many different configurations of Gazelle cots and stroller seats. Mix and match to find the configuration that fits your lifestyle. The CYBEX Gazelle is suitable from birth up to 4 years old. 

Silver Cross Wave 

The Silver Cross Double Wave provides a future-proof travel system for growing families. Whether you’re strolling with a newborn or siblings, the flexible design of this pushchair is ready to go as a single or a double.

If you’re expecting twins or have older children, the Wave can be used in 30 configurations from newborn to approximately 4 years old. Add a tandem seat, second carrycot, infant carrier or ride-on board and tailor Wave to suit you.

UPPAbaby Vista V2

The UPPAbaby VISTA V2 is perfect for parents who have either a newborn baby, older children or twins. There are so many different ways you can adapt the VISTA V2 to your lifestyle by easily changing the seats.

If you’re thinking about having another baby in the future then this would be an ideal choice of pushchair for you.

Top Side-By-Side Double Pushchairs

Double side by side pushchairs are a great choice for twins or siblings close in age who want to interact with each other while strolling. They offer equal space and weight distribution, but can be wider than tandem models. If you live in the city or travel frequently, a lightweight and compact double pushchair is a must. The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double Stroller weighs just 10.3 kg and folds up small enough to fit in most car boots. Another great option is the Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Pushchair, which is only 63 cm wide - narrow enough to fit through standard doorways. And of course, who could forget the renowned and popular Bugaboo Donkey 5...

Bugaboo Donkey 5

The Bugaboo Donkey 5 Twin Pushchair is the future proof stroller that grows with your family, and can convert from single to twin mode in three clicks. Keep your twins together from day one, and with the reversible seats, they can face each other, face you or face the exciting road ahead. Don't worry - this double pushchair is still designed to fit through most standard doorways!

Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double 

The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double stroller is designed to make any double adventure comfortable. It’s narrow, lightweight and ultra-compact so you can easily travel through doorways. Of course, you don’t want to lug around extra weight unnecessarily - the storage basket helps parents keep their items in check without slowing down their stride.

Mountain Buggy Duet V3

The Mountain Buggy Duet V3 pushchair is ideal if you have twins or two children of different ages that want to be side by side. We love that the Duet offers parents a lightweight frame that can still fit through standard doorways - this side by side pushchair is the same width as a single pushchair!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are double pushchairs suitable for newborns?

Many double pushchairs are designed to accommodate newborns, either with reclining seats that lay flat or with compatibility for infant car seats. However, it's essential to check the specific weight and age recommendations provided by the manufacturer to ensure safety and comfort for your newborns.

Can double pushchairs fit through standard doorways?

This is a common concern, especially for side-by-side double pushchairs. While some models may be too wide to fit through standard doorways, many manufacturers design their pushchairs to be narrow enough to navigate through most door frames. Tandem pushchairs (being narrower) generally have an easier time fitting through doorways, but it's always wise to measure the dimensions of your preferred model and compare them to the doorways you'll encounter frequently.

How do I choose between a side-by-side and tandem double pushchair?

This decision often comes down to personal preference and lifestyle factors. Side-by-side pushchairs offer equal visibility for both children and often come with adjustable seating options, promoting interaction between siblings. On the other hand, tandem pushchairs are narrower, making them easier to manoeuvre in crowded spaces and through narrow doorways. Consider your typical usage scenarios, the age and temperament of your children, and your preferences for visibility and manoeuvrability when making this choice.

Shop double pushchairs now with NBS.