Becoming parents can be equally as exhausting as it is wonderful. The crazy new routine can mean that you forget to make time for your significant other, date nights become a thing of the past and romance fades, overshadowed by milk-covered clothes and sleepless nights. This Valentine's Day, don’t let your little one come in between you and date night, there are plenty of options for new parents looking to reinstate the romance and spend some quality time on their relationship, without some of the stresses and responsibilities of parenthood.
Staying in
If you’re looking for a Valentine's Day option that is more affordable and closer to home, why not try staying in? There are plenty of romantic and special activities you and your partner can do from home that means you won’t have to go too far from your little one. Here are a couple you could try:
If you’re looking to do something more intimate this Valentine's Day, you and your partner could take it in turns giving each other a massage. Parenthood can be a very stressful time, you are surviving on a lack of sleep, you aren’t always sure that what you’re doing is right, your body and relationship dynamic completely changes. It can be hard to find the time, energy and passion for intimacy with your partner.
Massages are both physically and mentally beneficial, helping to relieve stress, lower heart rate and release feel good hormones. As a couple, massaging each other can strengthen your bond and connection, and allow you to relax together, spending quality time invested in each other’s bodies and wellbeing.
Conveniently, baby oil is a really great product to use when massaging each other and doesn’t have to be just for your baby. It’s a light, gentle oil with a silky-smooth texture, and as it’s something that you will already have available as parents, we highly recommend that you give it a go.
The Mushie Baby Oil Cosmos is made from natural and certified organic ingredients for a calming and nurturing effect, perfect for your Valentine's Day date night.

Movie night
It’s an oldie but a goldie, you can’t beat a good old fashioned movie night. Choose your favourite film, something that you both haven’t seen in a while, or something that reminds you of your relationship – maybe it is something you went to see together on your first date? Make sure there are plenty of snacks and buy all your favourite foods and treats – you could even order a takeaway if you fancy it. Light a candle, snuggle up together on the sofa and press play – try not to fall asleep!
It's super important for a successful movie night that you are comfortable and cosy, and it’s not always easy to achieve this if you’re pregnant or have recently given birth. For those who are expecting, we have a gorgeous range of pregnancy and maternity pillows to help you get comfy. If you’re looking for something to help keep you cosy, take a look at our range of blankets. The aden + anais Silky Soft Dream Blanket – Culture Club is made from four layers of luxurious viscose made from bamboo, perfect for family cuddles on the sofa.
Going out
If you and your baby are ready to separate for a few hours, it’s more than okay to make plans to go out with your partner on Valentine's Day, and it can feel good to get dressed up and get out in a new environment. It can be so easy to stay cooped up inside when you’re pregnant or a new parent, but getting outside when you’re ready will help to boost your mood and get back to a sense of normality.
Peace of mind
We know how daunting it is leaving your little one for the first few times, you can be overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, worry and separation anxiety. When you decide you are ready to leave your baby, ask a close friend or family member who knows you and your baby and who you can trust to babysit. You want to feel reassured that you are leaving them in the safest hands possible so you and your partner can enjoy your date night and focus on each other.
Deciding when you're baby is ready to be left with a babysitter is entirely up to you and your partner. We recommend you wait until the baby is at least two or three weeks old, as it's likely that they are settled enough and used to their feeding routine by then, but no one knows your baby better than you, if you aren't comfortable leaving them yet, then plan a romantic night in.
** Remember! Make sure whoever is babysitting knows your baby's feeding routine, especially if you are planning on being out for more than a couple of hours. If your baby has breast milk, remember to plan ahead and pump enough milk to last while you're gone.**
If you do decide to venture out and want to be able to check in on your baby, there are plenty of baby monitors and cameras you can get that allow you to remotely keep an eye on your little one and get that peace of mind that they are okay. The Leapfrog LF15 HD Smart Wifi Video Monitor is a fantastic option that allows you and your partner to watch over and hear your baby remotely live wherever you are on the LeapFrog Baby Care App.
Feel your best
The thought of putting on actual clothes and going out in public could be enough to make pregnant or postpartum Mums shiver. But remember that comfort is still key, and there is no need to squeeze yourself into a tight dress or an old pair of jeans, there are plenty of comfortable and stylish clothing options for expecting and new mums who want to feel comfy and confident.
Your body has changed significantly as a Mum, and the clothes that you used to love and that would flatter you before your baby might not anymore – this is normal! It’s also normal to feel more self-conscious and find that it’s difficult recognising your new body, but don’t let this make you want to stay in and hide. We have a range of super comfortable clothes that you could make work for your Valentine's date. Whether you want a good pair of Maternity Support Leggings or a stylish pair of Sandals, we have plenty of options in a range of colours and styles.
If you are feeling body conscious postpartum, you could try our Belly Bandit Belly Shield to help protect and restore your belly and your delicate skin. And if there is a pair of jeans or trousers that you love but that don’t fit you anymore, we recommend our Carriwell Organic Flexibelt Waist Expanders so you don't have to spend money on new maternity jeans.
So whether you're staying in or going out this Valentine's Day, remember to cherish your partner and look back at how far the two of you have come together. Raising a tiny human is the most terrifying and rewarding thing two people can do, and the love you feel for for your baby is bigger than anything you have felt before. It's important to spare a little bit of love for your partner, and if you don't have the time or energy to show it all the time, make sure to show a little love this Valentine's Day.
If you're looking for some Valentine's Day themed gifts and accessories for your little one, check out our heart range.