Etta Loves is a beautiful baby sensory brand specialising in muslins, comforters and playmats which capture baby's imagination and are cleverly designed to improve cognitive development. With fun patterns and bold, bright colours, so many parents and their little ones find it easy to fall in love the Etta Loves collection.
Here at Natural Baby Shower, we're also big fans of this innovative brand and we’d like to share with you some of the brilliant science behind their leading baby products…

Science has always been at the heart of everything for Etta Loves, and by working with trusted consultant Orthoptist Laura and co-funding Philip, PhD student at the Sussex Baby Lab, Etta Loves are directly enabling new research around baby vision to be generated. And the latest research has directly impacted what we currently know about baby colour preference…
Carried out using sophisticated eye tracking to see how babies respond to patterns and colours, babies were shown multiple versions of the beautiful prints - black and white / black, white and red / black, white and blue / red and white / blue and white - and contrary to popular belief, it was discovered that babies from 2 months can not only see highly saturated colours, but they actually show a viewing preference for looking at patterns which are made up of black, white and a strong colour – blue or red.
So, let’s take that in again, we know that babies have more colour vision than just black and white even from birth, but until now we didn’t know whether they actually showed a preference to looking at patterns with both high contrast and colour.
Etta Loves has taken this research and put it at the heart of their design process, to bring you their first ever non-monochrome muslin 3-pack for 0-4 month olds. The Sky print pack features three celestial designs (Lunar, Constellations and Aqua) with Aqua featuring a striking, vivid blue within the print.
These three new prints are precisely designed to help support babies cognitive and visual development and like Anna Franklin, Professor of Visual Perception and Cognition, at The Sussex Baby Lab, says "It's exciting for the Sussex Baby Lab to work with Etta Loves. It's brilliant to see that they have taken these findings on board in their new designs as weaving science into design in this way helps optimise infants' visual experience."
We know your baby will simply adore this extra special Sky print muslin pack - from birth with the blue of the Aqua print adding an extra sensory element when your little ones hits 2 months old.