Bibs | Muslins

Discover our selection of bibs, traditional snap bibs, full coverage bibs for mucky pups, dribble bibs and beautiful muslin squares for swaddling, breastfeeding and much more. From trusted brands we love such as Eco Rascals, Liewood and aden + anais.
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    Bibs | Muslins FAQs

    Baby bibs are worn around your child’s neck to protect their clothes (and your floor) from dropped or spilled food. Using a bib when weaning your child will mean that they are free to explore their food and get messy, and you won’t have to keep changing their clothes after every meal.

    Feeding bibs and muslins are definitely a parenting essential to help prevent too much mealtime mess or spilled milk.

    A muslin is a piece of material cloth that can be used more for spills, dribble, and for burping after feeding.

    A bib is more structured and is made commonly from cotton or silicone and will often have a pouch at the bottom to collect food.

    Bibs are often used when a child is older and starting to wean onto solid foods, whereas muslins are used when the baby is breast or bottle feeding.

    It is common for parents to start using feeding bibs from around six months to around two years of age. Dribble bibs may be used from earlier on, and some newborns will even use dribble bibs from just a few weeks old.

    When your child is around two or three years old they shouldn’t create as much mess during mealtimes as their motor skills will be more developed, therefore they shouldn’t need to wear a bib.